Jack Dalton, Monster Hunter #4

T. S. Paul

Book 4 of Jack Dalton, Monster Hunter

Language: English

Published: May 1, 2018

Pages: 41


Working for the FBI is one thing. Working for a quasi-secret branch of it is another. What happens when members of your own organization don’t recognize you?

I am the one and only, FBI Agent in the Magickal Crimes division. That confuses some of my fellow Agents, but I can deal with that. Harder to cope with is the increasing monsters sightings that keep me traveling constantly.

Dealing with Government bureaucracy is not something I’m comfortable with. Especially when a sea monster is terrorizing the New Jersey shore. Trying to piece together clues, dealing with corrupt law enforcement, or just trying to get along with the locals, I am busy and anything but bored. Outnumbered, sometimes outgunned, backed by inexperienced and skeptical help, all I can do is my best.

It is exciting and challenging.

Either the FBI or the monster is about to become fish food. I just have to decide which one comes first.