Familiar Enemies

Taki Drake

Book 5 of Federal Witch: Familiar Magic

Language: English

Publisher: All Chaos Press

Published: Jan 1, 2021

Pages: 245


TT and Jack were haunted. Too many of their friends and allies had failed to escape from the burgeoning Blood Mage force that was destroying their world. Call it survivor guilt or a feeling of failure, even as the two Familiars began to rebuild a comfortable life, their dreams and thoughts were still burdened by those they left behind.

Finally, the sense of frustration and helplessness became too much to bear, and the two feline Familiars decided that they would make one last attempt to bring loved ones across the arduous journey to Tellus.

Little did they know that another Seer’s Vision was amassing an Exodus, just waiting for leaders and guides. The desperate refugee groups were merging and becoming more challenging to conceal, but faith in the Seer’s guidance and the certainty that they must leave or die provided the incentive for the refugees’ blind faith.

When the two sides connect, there is very little time left. Forced to fight as they move through the catacombs and tunnels, TT and Jack have to dig deep to bring everyone home.

The choices are crystal clear. Fight for their new home, on Tellus.

Or die.