Steamforged Heresy


Book 2 of Steamforged Sorcery

Language: English

Publisher: Aethon Books

Published: Jan 1, 2022

Pages: 375


After narrowly escaping the Reawakening, Angel successfully delivered Vanessa to Molten Ridges with the help of Captain Silver.

He’d love to do nothing more than spend a year relaxing and studying Old World Magic, but he knows there can be no peace until the Reawakening are dealt with.

The Buried Gods walk the Barren once more, and the Reawakening’s plot runs far deeper than he ever could have imagined. A plan hundreds of years in the making is only months from coming to fruition with only Angel standing in its way, but how can he deal with the Reawakening if he can’t even trust his own allies?

Book 2 in a Magitech LitRPG Series by Actus, the author of Cleaver's Edge. Set in a Steampunk Fantasy world, it's perfect for fans of Arcane, Final Fantasy, and lovers of all things Gamelit, LitRPG, & Progression Fantasy.