Drums of War: Book 9 of Sovereign of the Three Realms

Li Tian

Book 9 of Sovereign of the Three Realms

Language: English

Published: Nov 5, 2023

Pages: 1036


“I might as well fight my way in.”

No more keeping his head down, no more biding his time. Raise high the flags of war and sound the drums of battle! Evil stirs in the world and before Jiang Chen can root it out, he must first clean house and rid Veluriyam Capital of any remaining dissent and lingering troublemakers.

All seems to proceed smoothly until an attempted coup tries to wrench things around. After all, Jiang Chen’s enemies hadn’t been sitting on their hands when he was busy consolidating his forces. They unleash conflict onto him first, claiming the advantage with first blood.

Allies, spies, and traitors flood to the frontlines of this internal conflict. On Jiang Chen’s side, he can count on the Sacred Peafowl Mountain, his beloved, and even help from unexpected places thanks to his family. Hopefully, that will prove enough to secure his victory at minimal cost.

“I have a bottomless bag of tricks, so I can do anything you can do.”