Autumn Hunt

Li Tian

Book 4 of Sovereign of the Three Realms

Language: English

Published: Apr 18, 2021

Pages: 327


Son of the Celestial Emperor in his past life, now heir to the duchy of Jiang Han, Jiang Chen has successfully defended his new self’s right to live. His newfound acceptance in this world is rudely interrupted by foreign enemies. Though he beats off the first wave of invaders, it’s clear that he has much to learn and experience if he is to keep his homeland safe.

Boldly setting off into neighboring kingdoms, Jiang Chen makes powerful new friends and slaps a plethora of faces. Royalty lines up to meet him and he dazzles all with his knowledge—for he is a genius the likes of which the world has never seen before!

However, the Maze Realm Autumn Hunt seems to throw him right back to where he started. A festival for the entire nation and a quest in another plane, enemies rise again from the shadows. Are they lingering remnants from the old owner of his body, or did he somehow pick up new ones along the way?

Whatever this way comes, this time, he’s ready for them.