Soldier Saved

D. K. Holmberg

Book 4 of The Teralin Sword

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Oct 24, 2017

Pages: 328


Endric returns to Vasha after discovering his connection to the Antrilii and how they serve the north but finds that much has changed, including his relationship with Senda and Pendin. As he struggles to understand how he can serve the Denraen, he learns that the Denraen hold Urik—and that his father has granted him the freedom of the city.

Urik isn’t done plotting and Endric fears that whatever he intends is the reason Mage Tresten has disappeared. Discovering those answers will put Endric at odds with the Denraen and sends him on a journey that leads to even more understanding about his role in the Denraen and the Conclave.