The Yngling

John Dalmas

Book 1 of Yngling

Language: English

Publisher: Tor

Published: Jan 1, 1971

Pages: 277


Earth, 2801: Wracked by petty rivalries, splintered into warring factions, the tribes of Europe cannot unite against the evil legions of Kazi the Undying. A hero—a Yngling—must arise or Europe fall forever!

They call him Nils—a fiar youth with the iron arm of a seasoned warrior. A leader of men from the Dark Lands of the Barbarians.

Only Nils possesses the supra-natural power to see into the mind of Kazi the Undying. Only Nils can unite the European tribes against the imminent attack of Kazi's terrible hordes.

Nils must claim the title of Yngling—and at once! But what war chief will give credence to a stripling's boasts? What tribe will vouchsafe to an alien youth the sacred sword of conquest?