The Painted Girl

D. K. Holmberg

Book 4 of The Sighted Assassin

Language: English

Publisher: ASH Publishing

Published: Aug 17, 2013

Pages: 112


Nothing comes easy for Galen. Exiled from his homeland, apprenticed to a healer turned assassin, now Galen is on his own.

After a simple hit on a young boy goes awry, Galen is nearly killed by one of his own poisoned darts. When he learns why the boy went after the thief-master Davin, Galen realizes the boy needs his help or they'll both end up dead. But helping him means going against one of Eban's most dangerous criminals. After all he's been through, Galen isn't sure that's a risk he's willing to take.

About the Author

D.K. Holmberg currently lives in rural Minnesota where the winter cold and the summer mosquitoes keep him inside and writing. He has a beautiful wife and two wonderful children, all three being much more than he deserves.