The Lie of Kings

D. K. Holmberg

Book 7 of Blade and Bone

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2023

Pages: 478


War has come to Verendal. A king must lead.

Kanar and Esmerelda need to reach Verendal, but with the spread of fighting, they may already be too late. Only Jal and his family of Alainsith stand in the way, and they will not intervene and risk the ire of their family.

As Finn finds his way back to the city, he finds it much like himselfchanged. What hes learned on his journey may be the key to saving his beloved city, and all those he cares about.

Honaaz and Lily take their fleet back to Sanaron. Where the war began, it must also end.

Old powers have not faded, but for their to be a future, the past must fall.

The final book in Blade and Bone.