Crystal Sage

Kara Dalkey

Language: English

Publisher: ROC

Published: Jan 1, 1999

Pages: 272


Joan Dark, owner of a housecleaning company, is eminently practical, having long ago given up believing in the supernatural. That is, until now. Her client Gillian, a musicologist working on her master's thesis, has been turned into a guitar after her research into an ethereal Celtic ballad conjured up an ancient--and seductive--power. Now Gillian has to pay for her interference. And Joan has no choice but to believe....

The only clue is a name on a business card: Brian Amadan, Development Specialist. But Amadan is far more than he appears. Known as the Prince of the Fair Folk, the elven lord is urging people to buy up and transform the Colorado wilderness. When Joan and her trainee, Miriam, catch up with him, he agrees to change Gillian back...on one condition: Joan and Miriam must uncover the nature of crystal sage. But departing on their impossible quest leaves their most frightening questions unanswered: Exactly what does Amadan want -- and for whom?