Callsign: King III Blackout (Jack Sigler)

Jeremy Robinson

Book 3.8 of Chess Team Adventure

Language: English

Publisher: Breakneck Media

Published: Dec 20, 2013

Pages: 205


Twice before, Jack Sigler—Callsign: King—has stopped the mysterious ‘Brainstorm’ from destroying all life on earth. Twice before, he’s survived Brainstorm’s assassins. So when the mastermind behind Brainstorm surfaces in Paris, King goes on the offensive.

As the final showdown unfolds in the legendary City of Lights, the villain’s scheme to plunge the world into literal darkness is revealed. But even Brainstorm isn’t ready for the destructive force that has been unleashed…an entity of darkness imprisoned for more than a thousand years, set free now to devour...everything.

The blackout has begun… When the sun rises, the world will end.

Callsign: King – Blackout was the eighth in a series of Chess Team novellas released in 2011, and the conclusion to the story arc in the first two Callsign: King stories. Each of the eight books in the entire series—deemed the ‘Chesspocalypse’—follows a single member of the team and is co-authored by Jeremy Robinson and one of six other fantastic authors. The stories take place after the events of Threshold, the third Jack Sigler thriller, and before the events of Ragnarok, the fourth full-length novel in the series. The Chesspocalypse novellas are designed to introduce readers to the series. If you haven’t read the novels, no worries. Enjoy the ride!

Praise for Robinson

“Rocket-boosted action, brilliant speculation, and the recreation of a horror out of the mythologic past, all seamlessly blend into a rollercoaster ride of suspense and adventure.”
—James Rollins, New York Times bestselling author of The Eye of God

“With Threshold Jeremy Robinson goes pedal to the metal into very dark territory. Fast-paced, action-packed and wonderfully creepy! Highly recommended!”
—Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Rot & Ruin

“Jeremy Robinson is the next James Rollins”
—Chris Kuzneski, New York Times bestselling author of The Einstein Pursuit

“If you like thrillers original, unpredictable and chock-full of action, you are going to love Jeremy Robinson...”
—Stephen Coonts, New York Times bestselling author of Pirate Alley

“How do you find an original story idea in the crowded action-thriller genre? Two words: Jeremy Robinson.”
—Scott Sigler, New York Times bestselling author of Pandemic

“There’s nothing timid about Robinson as he drops his readers off the cliff without a parachute and somehow manages to catch us an inch or two from doom.”
—Jeff Long, New York Times bestselling author of The Descent

Praise for Ellis

“Some books are just plain unbridled fun, others are edge of the seat gripping entertainment, some make you think, a few open your eyes. Sean Ellis is a magician, doing it all with a deftness that pulls you in and draws you along from page one breathlessly to the end of the book.”
—Steven Savile, international bestselling author of Silver

“Sean Ellis delivers another high-octane romp, exploring mythical lost civilizations and alternative histories, with the unrelenting pace of your favorite summer blockbuster.”
—Stel Pavlou, bestselling author of Decipher

“[The Adventures of Dodge Dalton in the Shadow of Falcon’s Wings] is high flying adventure at its best. Cleverly conceived, original, and multi-layered, the action literally jumps off the page and takes the reader through unexpected twists and turns.”
—Rob MacGregor, New York Times bestselling author of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Hawk Moon