
Dennis Vanderkerken

Book 12 of Artorian's Archives

Language: English

Publisher: Mountaindale Press

Published: Oct 15, 2022

Pages: 423


Loose strings tied. New Empires established. A knock-down drag-out victory.

Artorian welcomes home old friends, glad for their company. Having finally returned Cal to the seat of his sanctuary, he must cast aside other whims and assume the mantle of Administrator, continuing the diplomacy that came with the creation of Accords. Regardless of agreements, some diplomacy must always be spoken with fists. To prepare for the second coming of Eternium, Cal’s space must stand firm, resolute, and without danger… even if Artorian must contend with a city of tears to attain that result.

Caltopia is blooming with new growth, possibilities, and fresh chances. Unfortunately, some old weeds have dug their roots deep, and require plucking so the population might thrive. For many who discover the great trials to come, the new ways of standing on their own two feet are to their liking…

But there are some who will never willingly stop waving the flag of what once was.