
Martin E. Silenus

Book 2 of The Vietnam Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Martin E. Silenus

Published: Dec 2, 2018

Pages: 56


In the jungle there are entities that freeze you in mid-step, turn your blood to ice, make your skin prickly, and make you afraid, very afraid!

Captain Farris has the grunts humping into Cambodia to a possible Cong supply base to create havoc. The jungle watches and offers beings that Hud and P-man have no way to rationalize. Things that deny reality, even the warped reality of a war zone!

Cambodia **is the second book in the Vietnam War series, and the adventures of Hud and P-man, a sniper team operating from firebase Foxtrot. If you enjoyed Apocalypse Now or Platoon, you will love Martin E. Silenus’s powerful action book.

** Pick up Cambodia to continue this exciting series today!