World of Mazes

Robert E. Vardeman

Book 3 of Cenotaph Road

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Sep 1, 1983


The Cenotaph Road is a link between worlds that not many people travel along.

However, Lan Martak and his humongous but gentle arachnid partner Krek are not the only beings travelling the Cenotaph Road. But who else is crossing between worlds?

The wizard Claybore’s body has been disassembled, but his spirit lives on. He wants to use the road to find all the pieces of his disassembled body, so his evil can reign forever. Will he succeed?

Meanwhile, the road leads to the lair of the master of illusion, Luister len-Larrotti, who has captured the beautiful Inyx by becoming the image of all she loves.

Only Lan can save her and stop Claybore. his own magic is growing… but will it grow fast enough?

The Cenotaph Road has held many adventures in the past, but this is one of the biggest yet.

World of Mazes is an epic fantasy journey that encounters love, friendship, and a timeless battle between good and evil.