Castaways' World

John Brunner

Language: English

Publisher: Ace Books

Published: Jan 2, 1963


Castaways' Uncharted Planet. The twelve hundred people who colonized the planet of New Zarathustra were refugees from a world blasted by a nova sun. They had fled into space in panic, without preparation, without plotted orbits. They considered themselves lucky to make crash landings on a planet able to sustain life. Their problem was that there was already too much life on that world - viscious, hungry and very carnivorous. The winters were harsh, the summers torrid, and their chances of survival seemed slim. Yet survive they must - and the contest between man and nature, man and beast, and finally man against man is an interplanetary epic by a master writer.


The Rites of The Immortal, the supermen, and the puzzle that couldn't be solved. "How short a time a century really is. . . " The speaker was Immortal Karmesin, and he had lives a thousand years. He stood, a gigantic figure against the rush of time, a permanently open channel for the infants of the galaxy to explore the deep past. He was anathema to the Phoenixes, for their creed was that of birth in death, of regeneration in destruction. And he knew that he - one man - had to unravel the Phoenix mystery, or live to watch it bring fiery death to all the planets of man.