Times Without Number

John Brunner & Michael Ferris

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: Oct 1, 1962

Pages: 201


Traveling backward in time, Don Miguel had to undo the errors and interruptions of other time-interlopers. Even the most insignificant nudging of the past could entirely alter the present! And he suspected that a maniacal genius crazed with a desire for nationalist vindication had plotted to alter the victorious outcome of the Spanish Armada of 1588 - thus changing recorded history and perhaps even imperiling the Imperial Spanish Empire of 1988!If Don Miguel did not successfully intercede, when he came back to the present he might find a different world...a different time...a time in which he probably didn't even exist!Although termed a novel it is really a group of three novelettes previously published under the Spoil of Yesterday (1969 revised/expanded edition)The Word Not Written (1969 revised/expanded edition)The Fullness of Time (1969 revised/expanded edition)