Three Worlds to Conquer

Poul Anderson

Language: English

Publisher: Pyramid Books

Published: Mar 31, 1964

Pages: 143


Three worlds: Jupiter where no human could live but where men had strange allies and stranger enemies! Ganymede where human settlers lay helpless under the guns of a spaceship directed by a madman! Earth freed from a planet-wide tyranny, but facing total destruction from space! The destinies of these worlds were strangely linked and in the hands of a man sentenced to instant death!

Mark Fraser was a scientist, not a soldier; he had chosen his life as a communications specialist on Ganymede, his wife and children with him, his project an attempt to reach and talk with the strange methane-and-ammonia quadrupeds who lived on the high-pressure hell of Jupiter's surface. When a renegade Earth traitor landed his ship on Ganymede, Fraser found himself involved in a sudden, suicidal war. His fellows were defeated. Earth itself was threatened. Yet Fraser found his thoughts going out to Theor, centaur-like in body, his metabolism a sink of poisons, his thoughts utterly alien to anything human. . . . yet a friend to Fraser, and like Fraser the defeated in a sudden war. For while Ganymede had been captured by treason, on Jupiter itself Theor's people had been overrun by larger, stronger creatures migrating in search of land to till and cities to loot. When all seems lost, can these two utterly alien friends hold the key to each others' salvations?

This is the original version of Three Worlds to Conquer, as serialized in "If, Worlds of Science Fiction" during the fall and winter of 1963.