Minerva Wakes

Holly Lisle

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 1, 1990

Pages: 288


Ahead of a coming storm, Minerva Kiakra is fighting her way through crowded grocery aisles, when the last box of cereal is yanked from her grasp…
…by the impossible.
She does not see a dragon. Does not. Does NOT.
And when the same dragon cuts her off in traffic?
No, no, no.
But the thing she doesn't want to see is running one step ahead of the thing she doesn't want to have happen. And she can't stop either one.
Once upon a time, Minerva made a mistake. She stopped fighting for her dreams. Now there's a price to be paid.
But the universe just made a mistake, too. It messed with the wrong mommy.