Cut Out

Bob Mayer

Language: English

Publisher: Cool Gus Publishing

Published: Jun 1, 1995


Another great military thriller from NY Times Best-Selling Author Bob Mayer.

Chief Warrant Officer and Green Beret Dave Riley returns in a contemporary thriller set in the shrouded, secret world of the federal witness protection program, where he discovers once again that no one can be trusted and the stakes are life itself.

Mayer's Green Beret hero, Chief Warrant Officer Dave Riley, returns to take on the mob and corrupt government officials in a well-paced but didactic tale about the compromising of the Federal Witness Protection Program. When Philip Cobb, former mob money launderer and current government informer, is murdered just as he is about the enter the Program, his wife, after calling an emergency Program number only to be nearly gunned down herself, turns for help to her brother, who contacts his old girlfriend, Donna Giannini, now a Chicago cop. Giannini in turn asks her old pal Riley to keep Lisa alive while she finds out what went wrong. The rest of the narrative pits the warrior skills and state-of-the-art special-ops technology of Riley and his men against two groups of professional killers and the heinous federal officials behind one of them. With its maximum quotient of action and violence, this entry should appeal to fans of the series.
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.

The Green Beret Series:
Eyes of the Hammer
Dragon Sim-13
Cut Out
Eternity Base