How to Witch a Werewolf

Stella Wilkinson

Book 2 of The Magical Misadventures of Emily Rand

Language: English

Published: May 24, 2018


Witches and Werewolves and Ghosts, Oh My!When I was invited to join a coven of fellow teen witches for the Solstice, I jumped at it. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?Well, start with everything!Turns out there is no coven. Instead I'm supposed to be forced into a werewolf marriage ceremony and bonded to some power-crazed old Alpha. Uh. No thanks.Which means I have to use my magic to somehow escape, but my magic is kinda hit and miss... Or hit and make magical mess.It's okay, though, I have allies. There's the ghost that wants to kill me, the undead army that's more lumbering than lethal, and of course, there's Fletch. He'll want to rescue me, except that he can't because I think I might be in love with him. If he gets too close my powers could go nuclear and end up wiping out the world in a tidal wave.So, the devil or the deep blue sea?

Witches and Werewolves and Ghosts, Oh My!

When I was invited to join a coven of fellow teen witches for the Solstice, I jumped at it. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, start with everything!

Turns out there is no coven. Instead I’m supposed to be forced into a werewolf marriage ceremony and bonded to some power-crazed old Alpha.

Uh. No thanks.

Which means I have to use my magic to somehow escape, but my magic is kinda hit and miss… Or hit and make magical mess.

It's okay, though, I have allies. There’s the ghost that wants to kill me, the undead army that's more lumbering than lethal, and of course, there’s Fletch. He’ll want to rescue me, except that he can’t because I think I might be in love with him. If he gets too close my powers could go nuclear and end up wiping out the world in a tidal wave.

So, the devil or the deep blue sea?
