The Empire Stone

A.C. Crispin

Language: English

Publisher: Aspect

Published: Jun 2, 2000


Peirol of the Marshlands is a traveling gem merchant. But the jewels he seeks are the gems of darkness, the precious stones that men -- and demons -- have fought and died over. Now, he's on a quest for the ultimate jewel: the Empire Stone, a gem so powerful it will give its owner the dangerous ability to control others. Traveling far beyond the known world to a city torn by earthquake and fire, he will find the Empire Stone -- and unleash its hellish power.

Who Holds the Stone Rules the World!It could light a path in the dead of night. Fashioned by gods—or demons—it could bring power and untold riches to any who possessed it. But it was lost with the destruction of the fabled city of Thyone.And now . . . it may have been found.Follow Peirol of the Moorlands on an epic adventure across oceans and strange lands filled with mystery and magic. There he will find his true calling - and the Stone!

Peirol of the Marshlands is a traveling gem merchant. But the jewels he seeks are the gems of darkness, the precious stones that men -- and demons -- have fought and died over. Now, he's on a quest for the ultimate jewel: the Empire Stone, a gem so powerful it will give its owner the dangerous ability to control others. Traveling far beyond the known world to a city torn by earthquake and fire, he will find the Empire Stone -- and unleash its hellish power.