Sympathetic Magic

Wrath James White

Language: English

Publisher: Apex Publications

Published: May 8, 2011


Mama Luanda was a master of sympathetic magic, an old time Voodun, a Hoodoo woman as her mama would say, and she's got a bone to pick with Baptist preacher Reverend Ike Larou.

The good reverend calls her a witch. A whore. A Satanist.

That's all about to change...

Apex Publications is pleased to bring one of the masters of hardcore horror into the Alien Shots program--Wrath James White.

Sympathetic Magic
1500 words

His fingers were long and lithe like those of a pianist. Even as she sliced through them one by one and watched them tumble to the floor, Mama Luanda could not help but marvel at their beauty. She could not remember giving the doll such beautiful hands. She wondered if he would have been flattered. They were the most perfect hands she had ever made. Flawless, right down to the fingerprints and the love line that ran from where his index finger had been all the way to his wrist. She couldn’t remember ever making a doll with hands so lovely. In fact, she didn’t remember ever creating such a realistic doll. No way was she losing her touch. If anything, she was getting better. This was the best one she had ever created. Life-sized and anatomically correct. It even bled. Only, she did not remember making it. She didn’t even know how she could have made such a thing. Perhaps the spirits had guided her hands while she was in one of her trances.