The Golden Torc

Julian May

Book 2 of Pliocene Exiles

Language: English

Publisher: Tor

Published: Jan 27, 1982

Pages: 381


The Golden Tore picks up the story as one group of captured humans is brought to Muriah. the stately capital of the Tanu kingdom. Among them is Elizabeth Orme. who was once, in her own world, a Grand Master Metapsychic. In spite of Tanu ha rassment, she begins to recover her lost powers. Also in this group is Bryan Gren-fell. an anthropologist seeking his lost love. And there is Aiken Drum, an adventurer, schemer, and trickster who has the talent and ambition to become a ruler in this strange new-old world.

The other human group, which has managed to overcome its Tanu guards and escape into the northern forests, includes Chief Burke, an American Indian, and Felice Uindry, an athlete gifted with certain psychic powers of her own. This group, wi t h t he ambiguous aid of the Firvu-lag. determines to launch an attack against the very heart of Tanu dominance. At the end of the Grand Combat tournament between Tanu and Kirvulag comes the astonishing climax to this astonishing novel.

Fritz Lciber says the series is "altogether enchanting and engrossing." Vonda Mc-Intyre comments, "It's action-oriented and vivid"; and Joe W. I laldeman says. "It's one of the best-thought-out futures ever encountered in science fiction."

Exiled beyond the time-portal into the world of six million years ago, the misfits of the 22nd century are enmeshed in the age-old war of two alien races. In this strange world, each year brings the ritual combat between the Firvulag and the Tanu. This is the sequel to "The Many-Coloured Land".