The Poison People

Alex Makepeace

Language: English

Publisher: Altrove Books

Published: Feb 7, 2018

Pages: 252


'Be aware then, be warned. This is how it the signs, the symptoms... Wheezing, fevered, shivery, I was a sick, sick, sick boy. But of course, it could have been anything...' A deadly virus sweeps the globe. The hunt is on to find the source and eliminate it. But they are the source, and they want to survive.

Following a childhood full of secrets, Matt only wants to blend in. But when his university friends fall prey to a terrifying illness, he begins to realise how truly different, and dangerous, he really is. He goes on the run, joining others like him in their struggle to evade the authorities. But will it be at humanity’s expense?

With beautiful prose and mind-bending scenes of transformation, The Poison People transports the reader across continents and time in a story that melds literary fiction and sci-fi. Get ready for the trip.