One Horn to Rule Them All: A Purple Unicorn Anthology

Lisa Mangum & Kristin Luna & Colette Black & Scott Eder & Peter S. Beagle & Mary Pletsch & Todd J. McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye & John D. Payne & Jeanette Gonzalez & Sharon Dodge & Quincy J. Allen & Megan Grey & James A. Owen & Mark Ryan & Gama Ray Martinez & Nathan Barra & Robert J. McCarter & Nathan Dodge & Ezekiel James Boston & Lou J. Berger

Language: English

Publisher: WordFire Press

Published: Aug 8, 2014


Unicorns, with their single ivory horn, are elusive and magical creatures of myth. Yet even more elusive are the purple unicorns. First sighted at the Superstars Writing Seminar, their legend has grown year after year until it could only be contained in this anthology. Nineteen storytellers, including Peter S. Beagle, Todd McCaffrey, and Jody Lynn Nye, as well as new and rising authors, invite us into worlds both near and far, across a desert oasis, a pet shop, a Comic-Con exhibition floor, and more, and show us the many variations of purple unicorns, from the imaginary to the actual-and one very memorable half-unicorn, half-potato. One Horn to Rule Them All is an unforgettable collection of imagination and creativity. So, saddle up, and take a ride beyond the rainbow. All profits benefit the Superstars Writing Seminar Scholarship Fund.