Wicked Winters

Melanie Karsak & Erin Hayes & Margo Bond Collins & S. K. Gregory & Mia Ellis & Jami Taylor & Brian Hocevar & David Barbur & Angelique Archer & Bokerah Brumley

Language: English

Publisher: Clockpunk Press

Published: Nov 13, 2019

Pages: 411


T'was the night before Christmas, and everything was about to get magical!

Dive into ten enchanting holiday stories from New York Times, USA Today, and award-winning authors that are sure to get you in the Christmas spirit! This collection will take you from Christmas in steampunk London to a holiday under the sea. Chase vampires, imps, ghosts, Krampus, and evil elves as you celebrate Solstice with monster hunters and Hanukkah under the gaslights. Grab an eggnog, pull up a chair, and expect a holiday from hell in this special collection of paranormal romance, horror, urban fantasy, fairy tale, steampunk, and gaslamp holiday tales.

Hauntings and Humbug: A Steampunk Christmas Carol by Melanie Karsak
Holiday Hopes by Erin Hayes
O Holy Hell by Margo Bond Collins
As Red as Blood by S. K. Gregory
Merry Alchemist Christmas by Mia Ellis
Don't Let Go by J. M. Taylor
The Weeping Woman by Brian Hocevar
A Dead Man's Gift by David Barbur
The Tracks in the Snow by Angelique Archer and J. Mills
Festival of Gaslights: Beginnings by Bokerah Brumley