Orb of Stanton

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 1 of MAster Player Blue Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: R&K Publishing

Published: Jul 4, 2023


A standalone LitRPG book from Master Player Blue Chronicles.

Do you wish to join the game in progress? Yes/No.

That’s the question twenty-eight-year-old Steve Harmon’s forced to answer by cosmic gamer Master Player Blue. The choice boils down to no less than life and death. Either enter a virtual-reality fantasy world and find the Orb of Stanton; or die. It’s that simple.

With five similarly coerced players, Steve must help Blue Team Six compete against twenty-six opposing teams in a race to the death to see who gets the orb first. In a game where players feel every spell blast and sword thrust, no one wants to lose. If their avatar dies in the game, they die back in the real world. With lives on the line, every team is dead set on finding the orb first, because there’s no trophy for second-place finishers.

In a world full of magic, orcs, elves, dwarves, and all manner of undead, Steve must use his avatar’s thief skills to stay alive long enough to recover the orb. With two assassins sworn to end his life and a dungeon full of monsters, he must use every trick at his disposal to succeed where all others have failed. It’s a hell of a time to have to learn to be a thief.

Welcome to Blue Team Six!