Steel Uprising

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 2 of Paladin 05

Language: English

Published: Aug 2, 2019


The Intergalactic Empire is at war with the bat-like Crosioians, and things are not looking good for the Empire.

Twenty-two year old mercenary UHAAV pilot Jake Striker and his tactical computer Maggie are given a high priority mission to the planet Geris. Despite stringent security protocols, the tactical computers of some of the Ultra-Heavy Ambulatory Assault Vehicles on the planet have been revolting and killing their crews. Jake’s task is to find out the cause before it spreads to other parts of the Empire.

Loading up his Paladin UHAAV onto a star freighter, Jake, Maggie, and the rest of his team heads to Geris to put a stop to the computer revolt before it gets out of control. Before long, they find themselves outnumbered, and outgunned as the situation takes a turn for the worse. The success of their mission begins to look hopeless.

Fortunately for the Empire and the citizens of Geris, Jake and Maggie may well be the best UHAAV team in the galaxy. Only time will tell.