Stranger Realms: Stories of Horror

Jarred Martin

Language: English

Published: Oct 24, 2017

Pages: 207


In this volume you will find ten stories of perfectly ordinary people, people just like you, living perfectly ordinary lives in perfectly ordinary places. However, these are stories of those who discover the hidden paths and doorways to darker territories; to stranger realms. These may be other worlds entirely, or simply the familiar world twisted to grotesque distortions by unfamiliar designs. Here a lonely farmer may see strange lights in the sky and shortly after hear something unspeakable rustling through his fields. A pathologist might discover an entire city in the depths of an obese man. A barfly might get more than he bargains for when he accepts a package from a stranger. A down-on-his-luck gambler might discover the town he's wandered into isn't as abandoned as he thought. These are ten stories of ordinary people who become entangled in the extraordinary, who find that Stranger Realms are closer than they ever knew.