Far Frontiers 5: Spring 1986

Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen & John Dalmas & Charles Sheffield & Gregory Benford & Edward A. Byers & Keith Laumer & G. Harry Stine & David Drake & Lois McMaster Bujold

Language: English

Publisher: Pocket Books

Published: May 1, 1986


The Paperback Magazine of Science Fiction and Speculative Fact, Vol V. Short stories about adventures in outer space and the world of the future accompanied by articles on the strategic defense initiative and space flight. A quarterly paperback anthology series, of 7 issues, published by Baen Books, edited by Jerry Pournelle and Jim Baen. and successor to Destinies, succeeded by New Destinies.

A Lion to the Sea [Haven] / novella by John Dalmas
Space Transportation (Oct 1985) • essay by Charles Sheffield
Dancing with the Straw Man / shortstory by Gregory Benford
The High Reach / shortstory by Edward A. Byers
There is a Tide [Retief] / novella by Keith Laumer
Escape from Planet Earth • essay by G. Harry Stine
The Space Beat: Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop • essay by G. Harry Stine
Ranks of Bronze [Gaius Vibulenius] (excerpt) / shortfiction by David Drake
Aftermaths [Cordelia Vorkosigan] / shortstory by Lois McMaster Bujold
32 page catalog of Baen Books publications
Cover art by David Egge
