The Last Starfighter

Alan Dean Foster & Jonathan Betuel

Language: English

Publisher: Berkley

Published: Jun 1, 1984


Video games are more exciting than reality. When one is 18 years old, like Alex, and when one is dying of boredom in a little country town, there is nothing better than jumping in your supersonic fighter every evening and defending the "Frontier" against space barbarians. "Don't take your desires for reality," says his mother.

And what if the video game was as real as the prosaic terrestrial world in which Alex lives? What if the star fighters and the redoubtable Ko-Dan really exist? What if they are a menace, not just to their neighboring star Rylos, but even to our own planet?
A hero in spite of himself, a modern knight, Alex will encounter extra-terrestrials and the fabled worlds of the galaxy. And live the most wonderful adventure that any man can dream of.