The Blade of Elohim

Vaughn Heppner

Book 9 of Lost Civilizations

Language: English

Published: Aug 12, 2021


Fierce Nephilim riding giant reptilian beasts burst out of the Red Desert to raid the villages of the Negara Hills, collecting the young men as spears slaves and the women as harlots.In Armod, Brand’s mother resists, receiving a sword in the guts for her courage. With bloody hands imploring Heaven, she curses the Nephilim before dying.It makes Brand a target during the savage training, leaving him lonely and afraid, as all his friends abandon him.Although terrified, Brand yet has a spark of courage left. He escapes into the grasslands, meeting Lod, who claims his mother’s curses have brought him to teach Brand how to fight.Knowing Nephilim hunters are coming, the two seek an ancient ghost-city from the time angels warred on Earth. Lod hopes to find supernatural weapons to slay the evil ones.Is Brand going to die hideously or is Lod right? Can men really defeat the sons of fallen angels?Find out in THE BLADE OF ELOHIM, the ninth book of the Lost Civilization Series, set in the prehistoric world.