The Key to Midnight

Dean Koontz

Language: English

Publisher: Berkley Books

Published: Dec 15, 1995


Joanna Rand left the U.S. ten years ago to sing in a Japanese nightclub. Ever since, she's been plagued with nightmares of terror. There is only one man can help her -- Alex Hunter. Ten years ago he saw her picture in the papers -- as a senator's daughter who had disappeared. Now he has to bring her memories back to her, memories of a past more terrifying than they dreamed possible...

SUMMARY: Joanna's life in Japan is perfect. She sings in a successful nightclub that she owns. At night she's plagued by the dream of a man with a needle and feelings of being violated. She meets fellow American Alex Hunter, who helps Joanna awaken to the fact that she's not who she thinks she is. Special release date of 4/20/95.