Federation World

James White

Language: English

Publisher: Orbit

Published: Jan 15, 1988



The Federation of Galactic Sentients had a mission. As new planets and species were discovered and assessed, the deserving of their populations were invited to move en masse to the fabulous Federation World, a modified Dyson Sphere located in the galactic core.

But not all of the Federation inductees were suited to the idyllic life of the World. Martin and Beth were two of the rare ones chosen instead for the demanding job ov First Contact. Their training was extensive, but all too soon the two Earth-humans were out on their own with all the amazing technology of the Federation at their command.

Martin knew that training was no substitute for experience. In First Contact, his first mistake would likely be his last.


The Federation of Galactic Sentients had a mission. As new planets and species were discovered and assessed, the deserving of their populations were invited to move en masse to the fabulous Federation World, a modified Dyson Sphere located in the galactic core.

But not all of the Federation inductees were suited to the idyllic life of the World. Martin and Beth were two of the rare ones chosen instead for the demanding job ov First Contact. Their training was extensive, but all too soon the two Earth-humans were out on their own with all the amazing technology of the Federation at their command.

Martin knew that training was no substitute for experience. In First Contact, his first mistake would likely be his last.