Wanderling's Choice

D. C. McLaughlin

Language: English

Publisher: D C McLaughlin

Published: Jan 10, 2014


Once upon a time there lived a farm girl named Rhiannon who dreamed of having adventures and didn’t want to get married---EVER! So she acquired a fine horse from a mysterious trader and ran away to find that exciting life. All would have gone very well if she hadn’t been abducted by a cruel young king and kept hostage in his large castle filled with soulless servants. She has only two options for escape, marry the tyrant…or become a zombie slave.

About the Author

D.C. McLaughlin grew up in Delaware on the Tony Florio Woodland Beach Wildlife Refuge. She is a veterinary technician and has spent most of her life working as a race and show horse groom. She now resides in York County, Pennsylvania, with her husband of many years on a small farm with three Haflinger horses, a flock of chickens, several cats, and one very boisterous Borzoi puppy. When not caring for the animals, she participates in historical re-enactments and studies Middle Eastern dance.