
Darius Brasher

Book 4 of The Superhero Detective

Language: English

Publisher: Daba Publishing

Published: Jul 26, 2016


Someone has killed Earth's most powerful and beloved superhero, and everyone thinks that someone is me.

Thing is, I--Truman Lord, licensed superhero and private detective--haven't killed anybody. Well, not lately. I certainly did not kill one of the good guys, let alone THE good guy, the Hero all of us licensed Heroes look up to. This does not change the fact a bunch of cops are about to bust down my door thanks to planted evidence that makes me look as guilty as sin.

As I grab my pre-packed emergency bag full of clothes, cash, bullets, and desperation, police lights flash through my window. The shadow of a cape darkens the flashing lights. A Hero doing his civic duty, maybe. Or, a supervillain looking to make a name for himself by taking me out.

I sling my bag across my shoulder. I have to avoid being captured or killed until I can find the real murderer. It’s going to be a long night.

Tomorrow is not looking so great either.

Hunted is a stand-alone novel which can be enjoyed without having read the prior books in the Superhero Detective Series.