Personal Demons

Elliott Kay

Book 3 of Good Intentions

Language: English

Publisher: Brilliance Audio

Published: Sep 26, 2016


Personal Demons by Elliott Kay, Tess Irondale

Alex always knew romance would be complicated. When love came into his life with wings and horns, he knew those complications would be a little unusual. Four months after meeting Rachel and Lorelei, Alex finally has a handle on divine visitations, supernatural enemies, and the echoes of reincarnation. He might even survive bringing an angel and a demon home for Christmas with the family.

He might not survive what comes next. A favor for friends brings Alex into a heated feud among Seattle's sorcerers. The lords of Hell aren't pleased with the chaos wrought by Lorelei's escape, and they're looking for payback. Worst of all, her angry ex-boyfriend has blown into town...and he just happens to be the Angel of Death.

Warning: Personal Demons contains explicit sex, explicit violence, explicit language, explicit use of implications, open relationships, polyamory, blasphemy, sacrilege, heresy, paganism, sorcery, portrayals of matters divine and demonic bearing little or no resemblance to established religious canon, prejudice, murder, mass murder, singular murder, alley murder, conspiracy to commit murder, regicide, treason, dismemberments, impalement, arson, defenestration, racially charged 'Nam flashbacks, trash-talking, smuggling, mansplaining, spoiled Christmas surprises, numerous state and federal firearms violations, organized crime, transnational crime, avian conscription, disturbances of the peace, paranoia, doomsday preppers, illegal immigration, party fouls, public endangerment, underage drinking, human sacrifice, destruction of cell phones, false identification, consumption of alcohol, mayhem, attempted kidnapping, mass vehicular collisions, reincarnation, conspiracy to commit sexual promiscuity, threesomes, assault and battery, banditry, reverse banditry, eye gouging, cultural misappropriation, trespassing, lies, innuendo, intrigue, foreplay under false pretenses, bribery, political corruption, spiritual corruption, misuse of military facilities, a blanket fort of ill repute, home invasion, warfare, espionage, mercenary activity, consumption of sentient beings, panhandling, lingerie, cohabitation outside of marriage, missed homework assignments, too much pizza, toxic masculinity, abbreviated sex scenes, fully descriptive sex scenes, romantic sex, casual sex, mild dom/sub play, mystic servitude, stalking, knife throwing, weaponized alcohol, weaponized furniture, weaponized human remains, drone strikes, slavery, eternal damnation, mind control, carjacking, spitting, biting, vandalism, gossip, sexual objectification, immolations, feminist solidarity, zombie terrorists, pissy ex-boyfriends, too much information from Grandpa, and a flagrant narrative disregard for common standards of decency.