Death Marked

Justin Sloan & Michael La Ronn

Book 1 of Modern Necromancy

Language: English

Published: Oct 5, 2016


Death Marked by Justin Sloan, Michael La Ronn

He wanted to bring his fiance back from the dead. If he's not careful, he'll join her.

Rohan Evans's world was turned upside down when he lost his fiance Senna in a tragic accident. He misses her so desperately that he'll do anything to bring her back from the dead.

Frank Altemus is a doctor with strange connections to the occult who promises to revive Senna from the afterlife in exchange for Rohan's help on a "special" expedition.

To Russia. To rob an ancient temple with a dangerous secret.

Rohan has no idea what he signed up for. But if he wants Senna back, he'll have to make a deadly sacrifice.