The Dark Bazaar: Division 8

Melanie Karsak

Book 5 of Berkano Vampire Collection

Language: English

Published: Oct 30, 2017

Pages: 229


No one returns from the Dark Bazaar.

I am the last full-blooded witch in Istanbul. When a magical rift tore the world apart, humans, witches, and vampires were left behind. Peace among us has never been easy. But now, our fragile accord is crumbling.

The vampires have started abducting humans, taking them to the Dark Bazaar to be sold for their blood—or worse. Mehmet the Wise, leader of the humans, has withdrawn his people behind the walls of their zone. And the elders of my magical order, charged with keeping the peace, are doing nothing. A war is coming, and I’m the only one who seems to give a damn.

To save my district, I’ll have to put my faith in the one person I trust the least: Erlik, King of the Berkano vampires. The vampire’s charms are no match for my magic, but there is a sparkle in his eyes that promises to be more dangerous than anything else in Nazar. And I just can’t seem to look away.

Maybe what they say is true. No one returns from the Dark Bazaar. Including me.

Join Pelin in her quest to save Nazar in The Dark Bazaar.

THE DARK BAZAAR is a standalone contribution to The Berkano Vampire collection, part of Fallen Sorcery. Stories can be read in any order.