
A. C. Smyth

Book 2 of Changers of Chandris

Language: English

Publisher: Chandris Publishing

Published: Mar 29, 2014


Her people gone, the Lady grows angry.

The destruction of the shapechangers’ stronghold left few alive. Sylas survived. He’s not proud of how.

His former lover Casian, who planned the destruction, lies and murders his way towards the throne. Bound to him by love and obsession, Sylas must cast off Casian’s influence and learn to live with his own dark secrets.

He uncovers renegade changers who look to him for leadership, but the Lady--the mountain that gives the changers their abilities--is erupting. Bringing the changers home would help absorb her energies, but it may be too little, too late.

The Chesammos tell of the stormweaver, whose powers calm the Lady. Sylas must discover the truth behind the children’s tale if he hopes to save his island and his people.