The Prisoner of Nanowrimo

Craig Robertson

Language: English

Published: Oct 9, 2010


Piers Langland is a mild mannered paint salesman with one burning passion. He aspires to be a famous author. Each November he looks forward to entering The National Novel Writer Month competition, or NaNoWriMo. To be a winner in NaNoWriMo he must write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, a tall order for any writer. Turns out, it is an especially tall order for our hero. Join Piers as he struggles to choose a topic for his novel before he can begin his epic task. Vampires or space opera, romance or pulp fiction, zombies or elves, what should he choose? Unfortunately, the greatest object holding him back is Piers himself. Follow this hilarious tale as Piers blunders his way though one genre after another, leaving a trail of wackiness and comical wreckage in his wake. Can Piers choose a topic? Can Piers finish his book? Can Piers get even one thing right without bungling it terribly? Read The Prisoner of NaNoWriMo and find out.This whimsical story is written by Craig Robertson, author of the novels Anon Time and The Innerglow Effect. Craig knows first hand the pain and glory that is NaNoWriMo, as this book is his 2009 winner. Who doesn't deserve a good laugh these days? Let Piers know you feel his pain and show him you have his back. Buy your copy of The Prisoner Of NaNoWriMo today!

About the Author

Okay, I'll tell you about myself, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, just between the two of us. I knew I could trust you! You have an honest way of reading. There are three great accomplishments, in my life: my family, my medical career, and my writings. They are listed in their proper order. My family, including my perfect wife Karen, wonderful adult children Chris and Kim, their soul-mates Eugenia & Kevin, our saluki hounds, give me strength, love, and meaning. What humbling gifts, all of them. I include in my family also all those near and dear (who know who you are so I don't have to list y'all). Second to my extended family, I am proud of my incredible career as a physician. I'm an Internist and Allergist, and have worked in ER's, hospitals, clinics, homes, and most places between. What a rush! When I say it has been an honor and a privilege, I truly mean it. My writing is new to my life in the last few years. I have had countless stories in my head for a long while. It is only with the new options which the Brave New World of the internet, including podcasting and print-on-demand, have allowed which have brought me out into public. My other books, to date, are Anon Time and The Innerglow Effect. Writing has afforded me a powerful creative outlet and so benefit me tremendously. In my wilder dreams, I hope my body of literature has sufficient merit, so benefits you also. Know me best by what I love: Dickens, Orwell, and Tolkien; Milton, Donne, and Blake; Coltrane, Davis, and Desmond; Picasso, Michelangelo, and Renoir; Astronomy, Biology and Geology; Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Doctor Who (times two); Avedon, Doisneau, and Arbus; burger and fries, coc au vin, and pizza. Have I left anything out? Just one, the most important: God. I'm an ex-Catholic wondering if churches are device of men and necessary in the big-picture. More importantly, I wish I spent more time seeing His wonder in the world (I'm not evangelizing, just passing along information; this is a biography, n'est pas?). Oh, and this has never come up, but there used to be a series of magazine ads where cool looking people were asked a bunch of questions, about what they liked. A standard query was: "What's your favorite word?" So, this really stuck with me. And now I can tell someone, you, my favorite word. Oneself! I love it. It means 'on your own' right, but it also refers to the elf you own! Brilliant word. Now, where did I put that elf....