Forbidden Magic

J. P. Raymond

Book 5 of Empire's End

Language: English

Published: Mar 9, 2018


Nowhere to run . . .
With their hyperdrive repaired, JaQuan, Kitekh, and their crew are at last free to seek help returning the senator’s daughter and clearing their names. But with everyone in the galaxy looking for them, where can they go? An old friend of Kitekh’s may be able to assist. But so far, old “friends” have brought only betrayal. Can he be trusted, unlike the others?

Meanwhile, the kidnapped woman’s father will stop at nothing to push legislation through the Imperial Senate. But it’s not aimed at bringing home his daughter. He’s attempting to elect a new emperor. How can he be unconcerned with the fate of his child? And what does that mean for the future of humanity?

As JaQuan and Kitekh race across the stars, seeking shelter and redemption, a deadly web of corruption and treachery threatens to ensnare them. If it does, the last survivors of Planet Earth are doomed.

The latest episode of Empire’s End features an exciting starship battle, devious politics, and the revelation of frightening alien sorcery. If you like Star Wars , Firefly , and Babylon 5 , you’ll love Empire’s End . Pick up “Episode 5: Forbidden Magic” today. The fight for the future of humanity continues!

Empire's End is a TV-style serial. There are thirteen 13-15k-word (i.e., short) episodes that weave together to make a longer work. This is Episode 5.