Ritual Combat

J. P. Raymond

Book 12 of Empire's End

Language: Portuguese

Published: Jun 15, 2018


To win the chance to live, he must fight to the death.
JaQuan Jones has been from one end of the galaxy to the other. Now he’s trapped – caught between the Graur Tribal Council and the Emperor’s corrupt forces. The only way out is to fight the Council’s champion – a savage behemoth twice his size, against whom he has almost no chance. If by some miracle he wins, he’ll earn freedom for friends and himself. If he loses, it won’t matter. He’ll be dead.

The penultimate episode of JP Raymond’s TV-style, sci-fi serial is packed with action and intrigue. It’s a page-turning thrill ride perfect for fans of Star Wars and Firefly. Get your copy today as the fight for humanity’s future in the stars reaches fever pitch!

Note: Empire's End is a TV-style serial. There are thirteen 13-15k-word (i.e., short) episodes that weave together to make a longer work. This is Episode 12.