Tumbling Wildly Out of Control

J. P. Raymond

Book 8 of Empire's End

Language: English

Published: Apr 20, 2018


A killer is about to strike!
Everything is tumbling wildly out of control aboard the starship Cataan’s Claw . The Empire has found them. The captain and first mate are incapacitated. And now, someone’s about to die. A killer is aboard, and a space battle is a perfect opportunity murder. If the traitor has their way, everyone else is next!

The action heats up in the latest episode of Empire’s End, JP Raymond’s thrilling, TV-style, science fiction serial! With Imperial forces and a Space Ranger shooting at them, and someone aboard willing to commit murder, the stakes could not be higher for the crew of Cataan’s Claw . And unbeknownst to them, a madman is one step closer to ascending the throne. Don’t miss this red-hot episode, “Tumbling Wildly out of Control”! Get your copy today.

Empire's End is a TV-style serial. There are thirteen 13-15k-word (i.e., short) episodes that weave together to make a longer work. This is Episode 8.