Witch Born

Amber Argyle

Book 2 of Witch Song

Language: English

Publisher: Pronoun

Published: Aug 13, 2012


A gorgeous, witchy adventure with lush world building, realistic characters, sweet romance, and unique magic.

There is a darkness in the magic – a darkness only Brusenna can see. Her desperate warnings to her fellow witches fall on deaf ears. Not even her beloved guardian, Joshen, believes her. And the longer she stays with the witches, the more disturbing secrets she dredges up from their dark past.

When those she saved turn against her, Brusenna has no choice but to flee. The only one she can turn to - the only person with the answers she seeks – is her enemy. The truths Brusenna unearths will challenge everything she thought she knew.



If you like books like The Iron Fey series, *Born Wicked* or The Girl of Fire and Thorns, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one. ~Deea, Deea's Journal

It was so refreshing to read high fantasy that's still accessible. ~Melanie, Goodreads reviewer

The romance that blooms is so natural and imperfect and frustratingly lifelike, it draws you in and holds you there, right up until the very last word of the very last chapter. ~WBurr, Amazon Reviewer 

I would recommend this series to people who like Shannon Hale and Gail Carson Levine. ~Kristy, Amethyst Bookworm

From the Author