Videssos Besieged

Harry Turtledove

Book 4 of Time of Troubles

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey Books

Published: Sep 28, 1998


With the arrival of spring, Emperor Maniakes vows to unleash his troops against the enemy capital, where a hated despot sits arrogantly upon the throne.But from the moment Maniakes reaches the land of the Thousand Cities, he is plagued by a question no one can answer. Where is his nemesis, the ruthless commander whose cavalry no opposing force can withstand?

The answer is cataclysmic....

With the arrival of spring, the Emperor Maniakes vows to unleash his battle-hardened troops against the enemy capital, where a hated despot sits arrogantly upon the throne.But from the moment Maniakes reaches the land of the Thousand Cities, he is plagued by a question no one can answer. Where is his nemesis, the ruthless commander whose cavalry no opposing force can withstand? The answer is cataclysmic. In a bold tactical stroke, the enemy general has thrown his bloodthirsty army against the very gates of Videssos itself.Now besieger becomes besieged, as Maniakes struggles to avert total catastrophe...