Not Exactly the Three Musketeers

Joel Rosenberg

Book 8 of Guardians of the Flame

Language: English

Publisher: Tor

Published: Feb 1, 1999

Pages: 336


Introducing the heroes of Castle Cullinane:

Kethol--The pretty fellow, a long and lanky redhead with an easy smile and an easygoing attitude that his clever eyes deny. He is quick with a quip...and quicker with a sword.

Durine--The big man, a head taller than most and twice as wide, built like a barrel, with a loyal heart and hands too thick to use anything more delicate than an ax handle.

Pirojil--The ugly one, his face heavy-jawed, with an eye ridge that would mark him as a Neanderthal only to the most gracious. But looks deceive, and his might be the rarest gift of all.

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis they're not.