To the King a Daughter

Andre Norton & Sasha Miller

Book 1 of The Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan

Language: English

Publisher: Tor Books

Published: Sep 2, 2000


To the King a Daughter begins the cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan: the four powers of the world who have been warring for centuries. The Clan of Ash is slowly dying, their totem tree in the sacred square withering away to nothing. There is a prophecy that a daughter of Ash will rise again, but none have survived the mass killings, thereby rendering the prophecy unfillable.

But deep in the swamps, in the care of the witch-healer all need and all fear, there is a young girl-woman who can not be the witch's daughter; a girl who, in fact, by virtue of her beauty and elegance and simmering power, can only be a Daughter of Ash, the one who will rise to fulfill the prophecy--and the destiny of her birthright.

** Review

This novel from beloved writer Norton and coauthor Miller begins a new fantasy series: The Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan. Fans of Norton's classic Witch World stories will find familiar terrain in this tale of a crumbling kingdom besieged by dark forces. Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan are the four legendary powers of the world, now fallen on hard times after years of warfare and mutual betrayal. Weak-willed Boroth, King of Oak, and his scheming wife, Ysa, sorcerous Queen of Yew, hold the monarchy for now. Desperate to escape the ancient prophesy that a Daughter of Ash will claim the throne, Ysa orders the death of Boroth's runaway lover, Lady Alditha of Ashe--without knowing Alditha has already given birth to Boroth's bastard daughter, Ashen. Years pass. Boroth's health fails. As Ysa grooms her unworthy son, Florian, to inherit the throne, Ashen is raised by Zazar, a wise woman living with the Bog Folk. When Zazar dies before she can warn the girl of her true heritage, Ashen must trust her instincts and the little magic she knows for protection. After she saves Obern, the dashing son of Snolli, High Chief of the Sea Rovers, who seek alliance against enemies from the north, Ashen and Obern travel to court with Lord Harous, who distrusts Ysa's intentions. Here book 1 concludes, almost as soon as the story really begins. While Norton fans will be eager to read her newest book, they're likely to be disappointed by its slow pace and minimal storyline. --Charlene Brusso

From Library Journal

Born to a mother who dies in childbirth, the girl known as Ashen grows up among the wild people of the swamps, raised by a witch yet marked by destiny as a daughter of Ash. Veteran sf and fantasy author Norton combines her formidable storytelling talent with coauthor Miller (Ladylord) to create a new seriesDthe "Oak, Yew, Ash and Rowan" cycleDthat should appeal to adult and teenage fans of high fantasy. Featuring an engaging and courageous female protagonist, this epic tale of hidden heirs and unfolding prophecies is for most fantasy collections.
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. 

Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan: the four powers of the world, all once great and mighty, now yielding to the effects of centuries of war. A King of Oak and a Queen of Yew sit on the thrones of the landthe King is a drunken lout, the Queen a magical schemer. Ash and Rowan are nearly dead, their totem trees in the sacred square withering away to nothing.

Allis falling into place for the power-hungry Queen Ysa, who will stop at nothing to ensure the continuation of her line. Only one thing may stand in her way: a long-ago prophesy that Daughter of Ash will one day rise again to reclaim her rightful place on the throne.

But deep in the swamps, in the care of the witch-healer all need and all fear, there is a young girl-woman who can not be the witch's daughter; a girl who by virtue of her beauty and elegance, and simmering power, can only be a Daughter of Ash, the one who will rise to fulfill the prophecyand the destiny of her birthright.
