
Darrell Bain

Language: English

Published: Apr 24, 2009


When Mark and Alice decide to install a program of their own devising into the only quantum computer in the world, wildly unintended consequences occur. The computer not only becomes self-aware, but the new program produces an unchangeable core directive which impels it to protect Mark and Alice as well as itself. It doesn't matter what the political, religious and military establishments think of a sentient computer running rampant on the internet and into secret files of governments all over the world, or what they try in order to stop it. Quanty intends to protect Mark and Alice and itself with all the power at its command no matter who gets hurt or helped in the process. The result is Mark and Alice becoming the focus of governments, spies and the military of every nation, since only they can control Quanty. Or can they? They're on the run but Quanty's unasked for "help" causes them to fall into one disaster after another, with no end in sight.