The Cruel Path

David J. Normoyle

Book 0.5 of Narrowing Path

Language: English

Publisher: David J. Normoyle

Published: Nov 20, 2013


In the ultimate battle of wits and strength, only the most ruthless will survive.

Every six years, the noble teenagers of Arcandis compete in the harrowing contest of The Narrowing Path, forced to prove themselves worthy to continue their family line--or perish trying. Bowe Bellanger, younger and weaker than the rest, is expected to die on the very first day. However, Bowe isn't interested in just surviving, he wants to save his friends--which goes against everything the society stands for.

This is the first book in The Narrowing Path trilogy. Within a medieval fantasy setting, this series takes the reader to an exciting but brutal world full of intrigue where each character is larger than life and death is around every corner. Fans of The Hunger Games and Maze Runner are sure to love it.

Reading order:

  1. The Narrowing Path

  2. The Treacherous Path

  3. The Collapsing Path
